While this is not a sacrament, we understand this is an important time in a young woman, and her family’s life.

What is a Quinceañera?

Quinceañera is a young Latina woman's celebration of her fifteenth birthday. It is a cultural celebration marking the transition from childhood to young womanhood. Some families incorporate a Holy Mass into the celebration.

While it is great to incorporate Mass into this celebration, thanking God for the gift of life, the Mass is not just “another part of the party.” It is the main celebration with the young women, her family, and our Lord.

During the Mass, the dresses and clothing must be modest in length and cut. Remember, Jesus is truly present in the tabernacle, and in the Eucharist we consume, dress appropriately to stand before our Lord.

Begin the Quinceañera prep process

Fill out the form below and we will follow up with you within two business days.