OCIA is the way adults are formally received into the Catholic Church.
“Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
It is for: Non baptized persons, those baptized into another Christian denomination, and baptized Catholics who have had no religious education. Participants are prepared for Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. We also welcome those Catholics who are just looking to be enriched in the faith.
O.C.I.A. Adapted for children is a process for children age 7 and older who are not baptized as well as baptized children in the third grade or above who have not received First Communion. Sessions are held on Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm weekly. Spanish sessions are available for both adults and children.
For more information, or to begin the OCIA process please contact Barbara Forde at 210-681-8330 Ext. 220 or bforde@princeofpeacecatholic.org to meet with her regarding OCIA.
What about adults unable to attend OCIA Sessions because of work/school schedules? Worry no more because we have the answer.
Prince of Peace will now offer online sessions for those who would like to prepare for sacraments but cannot attend on Wednesday evenings when we have our regular sessions. For these folks, we have a new online process that will enable you to receive your sacraments at Easter with the regular OCIA class. For more information, please contact Barbara Forde at 210-681-8330 x 220.
Please note that these sessions are only for those who cannot attend regular Wednesday sessions.
Contact us for information about OCIA, or Adult Faith Formation
A Q&A on
Fall 2023 Session
What is it?
The way in which adults are formally received into the Catholic Church.
Who is it for?
Non-baptized persons, are those baptized into another Christian denomination and baptized Catholics who have had no religious education and have not received the Sacraments of First Eucharist (Holy Communion), Reconciliation, and Confirmation.
How is it done?
By reflecting upon the experience of our lives, scripture, and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
When does it begin and end?
Begins Wednesday, September 6th, and continues on every Wednesday at 6:30 pm until Sunday, May 28th (Pentecost Sunday) at the 10:30 am Mass.
Where do I go?
To the Parish Hall, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 7893 North Grissom Road, San Antonio, Texas 78251 Phone: (210) 681-8330.
What happens each week?
For the first 8 weeks, we have a video series. It includes prayers, a bible reflection, a video presentation, and a group discussion from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. (Each participant receives a schedule with the subjects to be presented weekly).
What about children?
This process is for children of catechetical age (seven years old or older) who have never been baptized or were baptized in another Christian denomination and now wish to become members of the Catholic Church.
It is also for children, 8 years of age or older, who were Baptized in the Catholic Church and have had no previous religious formation and have not received First Holy Communion.
During the time of the video sessions (Sep – Nov), the children attend on Wednesday evenings and are placed with other children of their age group. The children will follow the same outline of subjects as adults but on their level. The children’s parents MUST participate in the adult sessions.
Following the video sessions, the OCIA presentations will begin. The children will have classes on their level. Parents and children should not be absent for more than 3 classes throughout the course of the process.
Requirements to Be Baptized In The Prince Of Peace OCIA PROCESS
Be seven years old or older.
Present a copy of the individual’s State Birth Certificate.
Before selecting a sponsor, see the qualifications for a sponsor.*
Attend over 90% of the Wednesday classes.
Attend all of the rites – special ceremonies celebrated throughout the course of the year.
Attend all of the Scrutinies – three special ceremonies during Mass on Lent's third, fourth and fifth Sundays.
Complete all required documents.
Adults over 18, and parents and children must attend an interview. The time of the interview will be scheduled. A time frame of 30 minutes needs to be allowed.
Requirements To Make A Profession Of Faith In The Prince Of Peace OCIA PROCESS
(Profession of Faith is the ceremony a baptized Non-Catholic participates in to become a member of the Catholic Church. This ceremony takes place on Holy Saturday night.)
Be seven years old or older.
Present a copy of the individual’s State Birth Certificate.
Present a copy of the individual’s Baptismal Certificate from another Christian denomination.
Before selecting a sponsor, see the qualifications for a sponsor.*
Attend over 90% of the Wednesday classes.
Attend all of the rites – special ceremonies celebrated throughout the course of the year.
Attend all of the Scrutinies – three special ceremonies that take place during Mass on the third, fourth and fifth Sundays of Lent.
Complete all required documents.
Adults and parents/guardians of children must attend an interview. The time of the interview will be scheduled. A time frame of 30 minutes needs to be allowed.
Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation before receiving the Sacraments.
Note: A Catholic baptized in infancy and later converted to another Christian denomination and now wishes to rejoin the Catholic Church is required to make a Profession of Faith.
Requirements To Receive First Eucharist in The Prince Of Peace OCIA PROCESS
Be over 8 years old.
Present a copy of the Baptismal Certificate from your church of record
Attend over 90% of the Wednesday classes.
Complete all required documents.
Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to receiving First Eucharist.
A sponsor is NOT required for First Holy Communion.
Requirements To Receive Confirmation In The Prince Of Peace OCIA PROCESS
Be over 18 years old.
Present a copy of the individual’s Baptismal Certificate from the Catholic Church where he/she was Baptized (except for the adults being Baptized at the Easter Vigil Mass).
Before selecting a sponsor, see the qualifications for a sponsor.*
Attend over 90% of the Wednesday classes.
Complete all required documents.
Attend an interview. The time of the interview will be scheduled. A time frame of 30 minutes needs to be allowed.
Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to receiving the Sacrament.
Select the name of a Saint that you would like to model your life after. The name will be used in the Rite of Confirmation.
Note: Seniors and/or Juniors in high school who have not completed at least one year of Confirmation prep, will be required to attend the OCIA on Wednesday evenings with their parents.