Our St. Vincent de Paul Ministry helps hundreds of families from our community each month. We serve our Lord by serving His people.
Open Wednesdays (pending holidays) from 8:30am - 11:00am or until out of food.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.”
To obtain food assistance from the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, you must live within the parish boundaries or be a current parishioner and you must meet the guidelines set forth by the San Antonio Food Bank.
· Bring a picture ID.
· Bring a utility bill or legal document with your name and address on it.
· Click on the button to download the food assistance application (coming soon).
To obtain Financial assistance
To obtain financial assistance, you must live within the parish boundaries or be a current parishioner and you must meet the guidelines set forth by the SVDP Food Pantry.
Bring a picture ID.
Bring a utility bill or legal document with your name and address on it.
Bring the bill for which you need assistance.
Bring proof of income for everyone in the family who works.
Bring birth documents for every person 17 years and younger that lives at home.
Click on the button to download the financial assistance application (coming soon)
If you are not within our parish boundaries or are a current parishioner, click here to find assistance in your area.
If you do not meet our criteria, please search the internet for your closest Catholic Church, or contact Catholic Charities of San Antonio for possible assistance. We can not guarantee resources or assistance on behalf of these entities.
SACRD: San Antonio Community Resource Directory – All types of assistance listed
Contact our St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Someone will follow up with you within a few business days. This is a separate office from the Prince of Peace Catholic Church parish office, and the parish office does not have access to these requests.