“He proposed another parable to them. “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in a field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants. It becomes a large bush, and the ‘birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.’””
The Like a Mustard Seed Campaign is comprised of two components; funds to build the Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center, and funds to participate in the Archdiocese of San Antonio’s On the Way ¡Ándale! Capital Campaign.
Like a Mustard Seed Capital Campaign
The cost of our Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center is $6,800,000. Our parish goal to donate to the Archdiocese of San Antonio On the Way ¡Ándale! Capital Campaign is $945,000. Our total Like a Mustard seed goal is $7,745,000.
Our Current Efforts
As of January 16, 2024
Actual (paid) donations: $1,662,509.32
Needed to meet goal: $5,137,490.68
The Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center was named while Father Pat was here with us, and we, now more than ever, want to build this in his memory and honor.
Thank you for your support! We are getting there, but still need your help!
Prince of Peace Catholic Church’s Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center will be much more than its name implies. It will be used mornings, afternoons, and evenings, seven days a week, serving as the hub for our many ministries. Space long has been at a premium at Prince of Peace, and the Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center will remove that barrier. We know that for our parish and ministries to grow and be most effective, our parish family needs space to work, to plan, and to study God’s word and teachings of the Catholic Church. Mostly, we need the space to be a community united in faith.
The two story building will feature 25,000 square feet of space. The first floor includes 10 separate meeting rooms, with the largest able to accommodate gatherings with 22 tables and nearly 140 people. Several meeting rooms will have private restrooms. A kitchen and restrooms will be situated on this floor, along with storage space.
An additional 12 meeting rooms will be situated on the second floor of the Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center. A lounge and restrooms will also be located on this floor
Brothers and sisters in Christ:
We all know the parable of the mustard seed, found in matthew 13:32. It is the smallest of seeds; but when planted, it becomes the largest of all garden plants.
Our mission is to bring God’s love to the world - and to fulfill this mission, we must grow.
Like the mustard seed, we too grow in our faith. When we come together as a community in Christ, the power of our faith grows even stronger.
Our journey begins today with this campaign - appropriately called Like a Mustard Seed. The first phase calls for creating the Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center, which will open the way for our ministries to sprout and mature.
This effort is too great to be carried by just a few. I pray that everyone at Prince of Peace join in and support this campaign. Just as we have been blessed, it is important to share those blessings.
Imagine the day when we come together to thank God for the many blessings He has bestowed on our parish, and to dedicate the Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center. The center will serve as a testimony to what we, as a Prince of Peace Parish Community, can accomplish together.
Your brother and servant in the priesthood of Jesus Christ,
Friends in christ:
Just as I was truly blessed to serve as your pastor for over 20 years, I am grateful - and humbled - that Prince of Peace’s new Parish Life Center will be named in my honor.
We at Prince of Peace have a special mission: We are a community united in faith, bringing God’s love to the world. This parish center will help us do just that.
To fulfill our mission, we must keep our pace with our growth as a parish. We began with 50 families in 1980 and worshipped in Carlos Coon Elementary School. Now, 38 years later, Prince of Peace has grown substantially. Our many ministries and parish need more space. We need additional classrooms and meeting rooms.
I am also excited to be part of this campaign, appropriately called Like a Mustard Seed. We learn in Colossians 2:6-7 that we are to “walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude."
While this building will someday bear my name, this honor is not mine. All glory be to Christ.