Requesting a Mass Intention or Blessing during Mass
“One thing only I ask you, that you remember me at the altar of the Lord.”
Mass Intentions
When the priest celebrates Mass each day, he offers each celebration of the Eucharist for a particular person, or intention, applying special graces from God upon that person or intention.
Online Donations
Here you can make your weekly donation online. This gift to our parish and practice of generosity by supporting our parish community, is essential to the daily operation of our parish; right down to paying out monthly bills, and purchasing the hosts which are then consecrated into the Body of Christ.
Your gift helps our parish grow and help lead others to Jesus Christ. Please prayerfully consider an offering amount within your means and yet generous in the context of your financial situation. May God bless you for your love and generosity
Msgr. Patrick Cronin, our beloved Father Pat, left a legacy of service to our parish and community. We plan to keep his legacy alive through the Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center. This will be much more than its name implies. If you would like to make a donation in his honor, click the button to the right. Thank you for your support.
Like a mustard seed Capital Campaign
The cost of our Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center is $6,800,000. Our parish goal to donate to the Archdiocese of San Antonio On the Way ¡Ándale! Capital Campaign is $945,000. Our total Like a Mustard seed goal is therefor $7,745,000.
The Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center will be used mornings, afternoons and evenings, seven days a week – and serve as the hub for our many ministries. Space has long been at a premium at Prince of Peace, and the Parish Life Center will remove that barrier. We know that for our ministries to be most effective, people need space to work, to plan, and to study God’s word and the Catholic teaching.
Through the Archbishop’s Appeal, Through our efforts, we will assist others beyond our parish boundaries through ministry, charity, and evangelization.
**Be sure to chose Prince of Peace Church-2020 as your parish when donating to the Archbishop’s appeal.
St. Vincent de Paul
Food Pantry
Our St. VdP Food Pantry continues to help thousands of families in our community every year thanks to your support. The Vincentian volunteers help our neighbors with food and groceries, financial assistance (when available), holiday assistance, and even home and hospital visits to pray and give the Eucharist.
We appreciate your financial support and prayers.
El Salvador Mission Ministry
Our reach is not only local, but global! We help provide scholarships to children in El Salvador to help them better themselves, and their families. We have also helped catechize and build a Church for the people to worship our Lord in.
Shop Amazon Smile
You probably already shop on Amazon…help your parish community out while doing so! Click the button to take you to our Amazon Smile page which supports Prince of Peace Catholic Church in San Antonio, TX.