““If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well, but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it?’ So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” ”
Prince of Peace El Salvador Mission Ministry
Why join
It is our privilege to be able to help the Kingdom of God through our Mission Ministry. The mission of the Prince of Peace El Salvador Mission Ministry is to foster hope and understanding by sharing faith, prayer, friendship, and life with our sister community of Agua Blanca, El Salvador. We work with the people on empowerment projects that have a long-term benefit for their spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.
Students and our Prince of Peace El Salvador Mission Ministry members during a recent visit.
Our Sister Community
El Salvador is among the poorest countries in Central America with about half of its population living in poverty. Agua Blanca is in a mountainous area 80 miles east of the capital city of San Salvador. The people of Agua Blanca are among the poorest people in El Salvador. They depend on small plots of mountainous land for subsistence farming. Their diet consists primarily of beans and corn. Most live in dirt-floored huts. Only recently did they have electricity. They have no water system or sewers. They mostly cook over open wood fires. Despite their poverty, the people of Agua Blanca are strong in their faith, hospitality, and cheerfulness.
Agua Blanca did not have a chapel, so we committed to build a chapel so our friends would have a place of worship, prayer, and ministry. Through the blessings of God, this chapel quickly became a reality.
A Christmas greeting from two of our students.
Our Scholarship Project
The school in Agua Blanca only goes up to the ninth grade. For high school or college, the parents must pay school fees and transportation costs that are unaffordable to them. We wanted to help our brethren to break the cycle of poverty, so our largest project is funding scholarships for education beyond the ninth grade.
Our Evangelism Project
Because there is no priest who can say mass in the chapel we helped build in Agua Blanca, an active pastoral committee has lay leaders who celebrate the Palabra de Dios, which is essentially a Mass without the consecration or sacrament of communion.
As in most communities Agua Blanca has many Catholics who have fallen away from the Church. So we provide financial support for evangelization projects to encourage people to return to the Church.
How You Can Help
Presently the meetings are held online.
Contact Glenn Darilek, gtdarilek@gmail.com to get the link and schedule.