“The lector is instituted to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. He may also announce the intentions for the Universal Prayer and, in the absence of a psalmist, recite the Psalm between the readings. In the celebration of the Eucharist, the lector has his own proper function (cf. nos. 194-198), which he himself must carry out.”
About the Prince of Peace Lectors & Commentators
The purpose of the Lector in the celebration of the Mass is to proclaim God's Word from Sacred Scripture to the assembled faith community. Being a lector is more than reading. Lectors speak the Word of God in their liturgical responsibility. This ministry involves studying, preparing, practicing and gaining an understanding of God's Word that needs to be transferred to the assembly in a clear and understandable manner. The vital role of the lector is to communicate the depth and importance of the scriptures that are read from the Lectionary.
Lectors may also be asked to fulfill other responsibilities such as proclaiming the Responsorial Psalm and reciting the Gospel Acclamation in the absence of the Choir. The Lector also reads the Prayers of the Faithful in the absence of the Deacon.
When serving as a Commentator, the lector will lead the congregation in prayer (i.e. The Angelus, a decade of the rosary, etc.) and read the announcements before Mass and before the final blessing.
The Lectors & commentators at Prince of Peace Catholic Church proclaiming the Word of God at Mass, and having fun as a ministry outside of Mass! Contact us to learn more or become a lector.
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Prayer for Proclaimers
Almighty God, cleanse the hearts and lips
of those who Proclaim your Word.
Bless our efforts of preparation and those
times of meditation on your word; allow us to better understand your message and to faithfully Proclaim to your People.
Fill this ministry with your presence; help us to prepare willingly and faithfully, so that those who Proclaim your Word may fully trust and believe in Jesus Christ, who announces the Kingdom of God and the promise of life everlasting.
Increase your faith in our hearts and in those who listen to your Word, that they may always glorify you.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Oración por los Proclamadores
Dios todopoderoso, limpia los corazones y los labios de los que proclaman tu palabra.
Bendice nuestros esfuerzos de preparación y esos tiempos de meditación en tu palabra; permítenos entender mejor tu mensaje y proclamar fielmente a tu Pueblo.
Llena este ministerio con tu presencia; ayúdanos a prepararnos con voluntad y fidelidad, para que los que proclaman tu palabra puedan confiar y creer plenamente en Jesucristo, que anuncia el Reino de Dios y la promesa de la vida eterna.
Aumenta tu fe en nuestros corazones y aquellos que escuchan tu Palabra, para que siempre te glorifiquen.
Por Cristo nuestro Señor.