“Bring your marriage into the Church!”
Why get married in the Church?
Convalidation, the name the Church gives to its sacramentalizing of an existing marriage that has been performed outside of Catholic oversight, means to firm up, or, to strengthen. This is what a lot of Catholics need right now—a strong, firm understanding of what sacramental marriage is. Catholics need keen, faithful priests to walk this road with them. During the annulment process and the conversion journey into the Catholic Church we sought the help of priests we knew; the deacon assigned to help us was also a source of encouragement. The day I walked down the beautiful church aisle to be married sacramentally in the Catholic faith I had 3 priests and a deacon waiting for me at the altar—convalidators, witnesses to God’s gracious work in our lives. (from aleteia.org)
Prince of Peace Catholic Church wants to help you on your faith journey, including your marriage and the Church.
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